Boost your mental fitness in six weeks with our Virtual Positive Intelligence Coaching Boost your mental fitness in six weeks with our Virtual Positive Intelligence Coaching

Revitalize Your Mind: The 6-Week Mental Fitness Coaching

Mental Performance Coach in Las Vegas, Nevada

Level up your mindset in just 6 weeks with our Virtual Positive Intelligence Coaching

Unlock Your Potential with Mental Fitness Coaching: Transform in Just 6 Weeks

In today’s fast-paced world, women often find themselves disconnected from their inner selves and their surroundings, especially in the vibrant city of Las Vegas. Mental Fitness Coaching offers a sanctuary for those seeking to reclaim their lives and discover their true potential. Our Mental Performance Coach in Las Vegas specializes in guiding you through a transformative journey, shifting the balance in your mind towards positive thinking and self-mastery.

Our service is grounded in breakthrough, research-based tools that are designed to strengthen the part of your brain that works for you and quiet the one that sabotages your potential. This process is not just about coping with life’s challenges; it’s about thriving in the face of them. With a focus on mental fitness, you can experience immediate and sustained improvements in both your well-being and performance.

Participants in our program report significant boosts in performance, including a 90% improvement in using mental/emotional energy more effectively, and substantial improvements in well-being, such as a 91% increase in happiness. These statistics underscore the effectiveness of our approach to mental fitness coaching.

Our breakthrough, research-based tools strengthen the part of your brain that serves you and quiet the part that sabotages you. You handle life’s challenges with a more positive mindset, and less stress.

We call this mental fitness.

Self Sabotage
Self Mastery

Unique Features:

  • Personalized daily practices for a positive mind
  • Breakthrough app with tailored mental fitness exercises
  • Based on the Positive Intelligence Program’s success
Transform Your Life with a Proven Mental Performance Coach

Transform Your Life with a Proven Mental Performance Coach

Our 6-week course is designed to grow your three core mental fitness muscles, empowering you to overcome the saboteurs that have been holding you back. With the guidance of a Mental Performance Coach in Las Vegas, you will embark on a journey to discover what's been undermining your happiness and performance.

The course leverages our proprietary PQ®️ Program, which delivers personalized daily practices through a breakthrough app. These practices are crafted to instill powerful new habits for a positive mind, helping you shift the balance towards self-mastery and away from self-sabotage.

Our method is rooted in the latest research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience, ensuring that you're getting scientifically-backed guidance to boost your mental fitness. By the end of the 6 weeks, you will have developed the skills to handle life’s challenges with more positivity and less stress, leading to immediate and sustained improvements in both your well-being and performance.

Efficiency and Effectiveness:

In the bustling lifestyle of Las Vegas, finding the time and resources to invest in personal development can often be challenging. Our Mental Fitness Coaching program addresses this head-on, offering efficient and effective strategies that fit seamlessly into your daily routine. With a commitment of just a few minutes a day, our program, led by a dedicated Mental Performance Coach in Las Vegas, delivers personalized practices that are not only manageable but profoundly impactful.

The cornerstone of our approach is the tailored use of our innovative app, designed to guide you through exercises that enhance your mental resilience and emotional energy use. These practices are backed by scientific research, ensuring that every activity contributes directly to your journey toward mental fitness.

Moreover, our methodology emphasizes the effectiveness of short, consistent daily exercises over sporadic, intensive sessions. This ensures a sustainable path to self-mastery and overcoming self-sabotage, making significant strides in mental health without overwhelming your schedule. Through this approach, you'll find yourself using your mental and emotional energy more efficiently, leading to noticeable improvements in your ability to manage stress, collaborate with others, and enjoy a fulfilling personal life.

Service Benefits:

  • Boost in performance and improvement in wellbeing
  • Enhanced ability to manage stress and increase in happiness

Addressing Client Needs:

Our Mental Fitness Coaching is uniquely positioned to help women in Las Vegas who feel disconnected from themselves and their environment. Through personalized guidance from a Mental Performance Coach, you will learn to identify and overcome the internal saboteurs that generate stress and negative emotions. This journey towards mental fitness is not just about improving your performance in personal and professional settings; it's about unlocking a deeper sense of happiness, confidence, and connectivity with the world around you.

Our 6-Week Mental Fitness Coaching FAQs:

Shift the Balance in Your Mind

Experience immediate and sustained improvements in both your wellbeing and performance.

Boost Performance


Use Mental/Emotional Energy More Effectively


Improve Ability to Develop Others


Better at Teamwork and Collaboration

Improve Wellbeing


Increase Happiness


Manage Stress Better


Improve Self-Confidence

Strengthen Relationships


Improve Relationships


Better at Conflict Management


Improve Empathy

Based on survey results from cohort of >2000 Positive Intelligence Program participants after six weeks of mental fitness training

As Featured In

This has been an extraordinary gift for my team. The concepts are phenomenal — a true revelation in the way to think and handle work and life’s challenges. Besides the lasting impact on myself, I’ve loved hearing how many people this has touched in my company.

Jessica Herrin
CEO, Stella & Dot

Positive Intelligence can change your life and transform your business. A real game-changer.

James D. White
Former CEO, Jamba Juice

Most change initiatives fizzle because of our mental saboteurs. Shirzad gives us the tools to conquer them and creative positive change that lasts.

Dean Morton
Former COO, Hewlett-Packard

Working with Shirzad has had a profound impact on me. The tools and techniques to raise PQ are simple, concrete and pragmatic, yet incredibly effective. They help me remain focused on what truly matters and grounded amidst the swirl of daily life.

Jim Lanzone
CEO, Yahoo, Inc.

Discover What’s Holding You Back

Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate stress and negative emotions in the way you handle work and life’s challenges. They sabotage your potential for both happiness and performance.

Unlock your potential and a positive mindset with our transformative Positive Intelligence Program
Our PQ Program grows your three core mental fitness muscles within six weeks

Explore the Program

Our PQ®️ Program grows your three core mental fitness muscles within six weeks. Breakthrough app delivers personalized daily practices that result in powerful new habits for a positive mind.

Elevate your mental fitness with A Few Short Minutes Coaching Virtual Mental Fitness Coaching program

For Business

When a team focuses exclusively on performance, performance suffers due to prolonged stress, team friction, and low Emotional Intelligence (EQ). Positive Intelligence maximizes both performance and wellbeing, while growing 17 of 18 EQ competencies.

Take a vital step towards well-being and self-empowerment.

Contact us today for help overcoming self-destructive thoughts, self-criticism, and learning to forgive yourself. Our well-being coaching is your path to stopping negative self-talk and embracing a brighter future.


Program Module

The six-week PQ Program is designed like a mental fitness boot camp and combines weekly video sessions with daily app-guided practices to boost your 3 core mental fitness muscles.

3 Core muscles:

In A Few Short Minutes Coaching, experience the transformative power of Saboteurs Interceptor Muscle

Saboteurs Interceptor Muscle:

Your Saboteurs generate all your negative emotions, including stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, avoidance, procrastination, insensitivity or discontent. Mental fitness requires the ability to intercept and discredit the Saboteurs.

At A Few Short Minutes Coaching, experience the transformative power of Sage Muscle

Sage Muscle:

Your Sage is the one in you that handles challenges with a clear and calm mind, and positive emotions. It also has access to your 5 primary powers. All you need to paint any canvas is 3 primary colors. Similarly, through factor analysis research we’ve discovered that there are only 5 primary powers: Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate. For peak performance, you learn to boost all 5 powers and know when to use which power.

Empower your inner strength with Self-Command Muscle, our transformative fitness solution

Self-Command Muscle:

You’re not in full command of your mind. If you were, you would choose to silence the Saboteurs in your head entirely. You would choose not to stress out over what you can’t control, push away self-doubts, recover from disappointments immediately, and spend little time in anger, regret, or blame.

Connect with Your Mental Performance Coach in Las Vegas Today

Ready to transform your life? Reach out to start your journey towards mental fitness and rediscover your potential.

Offering 6 Week Mental Fitness Coaching Services to clients across Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Scottsdale, San Diego, and Salt Lake City.

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